Thursday, January 22, 2009

What a Year! 2008!

What a way to end a year... The cUre in small venues -for free -thanks to generous friends. I saw some old friends, met some new people, and got to know some better. The not-so-new-anymore-album is good. really good. And it is golden to see them live in such a small vicinity. I am still kicking myself about the Troubador.

The year would have ended perfectly if it were not for C2 having a seizure NYE morning. Actually, we were fortunate that she was sleeping with me. Today is her MRI. She has already had multiple tests, including a CTScan and EEG. I have no clue if the trileptal is working or not. We are just praying and hoping for a miracle.

The clouds are breaking from gray and white to a blue sky. Bizarre. It was supposed to rain yesterday and looked like it was going to today. It seems not so. Good!

I am weaning myself off of two medications. Everything is going well. I hope to surprise my doctor, since he was supposed to help me do this. Currently, I am only taking three to four medications. The ones my body needs and one I am weaning (that I do not need everyday, IMO). My fitness trainer is a Wii Fit Trainer. ;P Hopefully soon, I will be strong enough to get back out skating the streets.

I kidnapped Nik twice last week. I enjoyed dragging his bum over to Guitar Center twice and the Costume Castle. Friday, we watched lame movies -then youtubed on the Wii. He showed us this person called Shaye St. John! Crazy-scary-funny stuff! "I'm signing autographs on the dot-com!" SSJ reminds you of a scary film. Someone you don't actually want to mess with or venture to their home... But, you can not stop watching them. You as in meaning, me. heh. After I hung out with Nik, I realised what a sheltered life I am living. 75% of me is grateful for this, and 25% curious as to what is really going on 'out there'.

I have so much clutter. so many materials waiting to be used to make things for etsy. I need to find my "Ideas" notebook. Regardless, I keep a 'notebook' in my head. Some of the things are easily made with the dots. It will be good for them to make and sell things online. If I start them now; it will be easier when they are older. OH NO! Child Labour! haha.

Watched the movie FUR last night. Nicole Kidman & Robert Downey Jr.
The movie was strange, yet good. It's one of those films that make one feel like they are watching a weird dream. It was good enough to keep me up until eleven last night.

Wow, this is a boring blog entry. I suppose when I post pictures with my blogs -it will be of more interest.

like worn out friendships, the clouds part
like removing the oppression of a foe, everything
becomes lighter, less heavy, less dooming;
the gloom dissolves, you can see a heaven again.

one can stand on the grass.
one can wear sunglasses, without
rushing to beat the weather...
or feel the questionable stare
of others.

yes, I wear my sunglasses even on gloomy days.
no, I don't "wear my sunglasses at night".